Key to Productivity
One of the first things people learn about me, I have a pretty busy life.
- I am a engineer who works full-time on Firefox.
- I speak frequently at conferences.
- I mentor people and help to organize events.
- I am a solo mom of a 5 y/o.
- I am a human being, with a need for breaks and social interactions.

All those things add up to enormous amount of tasks.
When I finish with a bug fix, three new issues appear and five people came up with questions already. Team meetings, refactors, new features. Laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning. Incoming speaking requests and related questions, requests, travel organization (which includes to organize someone who takes her of my little one) and actually research plus writing the talk. Keeping up with the little ones schedule and taking care of all her appointments, from kiddo birthdays to playdates, swimming classes and the regular checkups, also enjoying my time being a mom and hang out with the kiddo. Not to mention the additional chaos when she gets sick, not even to mention when I do… A day has still just 24 hours and there is this thing called sleep, even I need.
This all feels like an everyday fight against a hydra. Everytime one todo is done, it seems like two new ones appear. But this is also a life I chose and most of the times I am pretty happy with it.
So, how do I deal with all of this without being burned out in a short amount of time? Well... it is not easy, but its somekind of doable. After three burnouts in my 20s (before I had a kid) I changed a lot how I handeled things. Following, I'll mention the things that helped me the most.
Organize && plan ahead #

Lists, notes and a calender can be a life saver. Start with the "bigger picture". What lays ahead of you in the next 3 - 6 months? What do you need to do to make those things happen? Are there any deadlines you should be aware of? Make a plan, todo list and a schedule that'll help you navigate through the next few months.
The go on with the "smaller view". Grab the next tasks or the ones that have the closest deadlines. If your time is short, don't be scared of downgrading tasks and putting them at the end of your list. They might become obsolete or you'll have time for it later or it becomes more pressuing and gets a bump up on your list. (This is also what makes you flexible.) Just make sure to work focused on one task after another.
Stick to your hours && decisions #

When you create a loose schedule it's all about balance. Make sure to add time for all important todos, but also for this thing called life... as life happens to all of us from time to time, right? Don't cut hours from your family time on a regular basis just because work comes up. Schedule more time in advance or leave it, but stick to your decisions.
Being really productive is not about working 24/7 or being available all the time. It’s about using your time right. Your are working? Work! Stop slacking on Youtube or Facebook. If you take a break like a chat with your colleagues allow it to yourself. Don't stress about it. But be aware of your time, the break and enjoy it.
Let it go... #
Enough is enough. Stop overthinging it. F*ck perfection. Ask for help. Stop blaming others or you. Just learn from it, find a solution and move on. Often you don't need to be the only person who works on the task. Document it and let it go if you have to.
Know your limits! #

How much sleep do you need to feel creative, productive, good about yourself? How are you making sure you do hydrate yourself enough during the day? Did you eat something healthy? Or greasy because you need it right now? Which workout works for you or do you prefer to take a long bath? Hanging out with friends or enjoying alone time?
Be aware what recharges your batteries, physically AND emotionally. Don't compromise on that or even cut time down. You might increase your productivity for some time but its just for a short run.
Learn to say NO #

Don't work on demand which means schedule fixed times for replying to messages like mails or direct messages. Review your notification settings. A thing I've learned in the past few years is that there is no reply so important to drop whatever you do right now.
You don't need to save this world all by yourself. Learn to say no. Know who you can count on. Ask for help. Delegate requests to other people who might be intrested and have resources. But mostly important check in with yourself... Do you have the time, the energy or see any benefit for you before saying yes. This might sound selfish but as a close friend once told me "You have to take care of yourself, before you can take care of others."... And he is right.
Schedule time for yourself or your family, friends. No mails during that time. No talking about work or thinking about issues to solve. You need a break from things as everyone else does. This is what keeps you productive and gives you a fresh point of view.
I feel like being aware of yourself, your life's requirements and challenges also your time and your always changing energy levels is... the key to productivity.